Skin Cancer Checks & Treatments
Skin Cancer Checks are pain-free and easy !
Skin Cancer Doctors Here: Dr Graeme Edwards, Dr Krish Dinesh, Dr Christopher Oh, Dr Lisa Whitmarsh & Dr Stuart Emmerson
Here in Australia we have the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.
Those who have never had a skin check before or who have risk factors are recommended to see one of our skin cancer doctors.
If you have noticed changes, then our doctors can examine and explain more.
Risk factors include:
• Sunburns in the past, particularly at a young age and if severe such as causing blisters
• A relative who has had a melanoma, or other forms of skin cancer
• A fair skin that burns easily
• A past history of a skin cancer of any type
• Large number of moles
Skin cancers can appear even on areas of the body that are not exposed to the sun.
At your Skin Cancer Check Appointment
Your risk factors will be assessed and explained to you.
Suspicious moles will be identified and explanation given.
A plan of action will be advised and a full explanation of what you require as a next step will be given.
Fees: Our skin cancer doctors here charge the normal consultation fee based on time.
A skin check for return patients normally takes our standard 15-20 minute consult. New patients will usually need a long consult 20-30 mins.
If you have a high mole count then it may be a longer consult.
The Skin Cancer Check is a whole body skin examination.
During a skin check we will normally ask you to undress down to your underwear.
You will lie on the examination couch and the doctor will examine your skin using a dermatoscope.
Any lesions needing further detailed examination will be closely checked to see the patterns within the spot with a remarkable amount of detail.
Several studies have shown that doctors trained in the use of dermoscopy have a high degree of accuracy in detecting skin cancers.
Any lesion which appears to be suspicious will be noted and explained to you.
Our doctors will discuss with you the need for a biopsy (where a small part of the lesion is sent for pathological examination) or excision (where the lesion is removed).
Some moles require only observation, which may involve the use of digital photography to monitor the mole.
We also have a reminder system for those patients that have skin types requiring regular checks e.g. annually, six monthly etc. We will notify you when it is time to return for your checkup.
Skin Cancer Checks are pain-free and easy !
Our Skin Cancer Doctors are Dr Graeme Edwards and Dr Christopher Oh
Here in Australia we have the highest rates of skin cancer in the world.
Those who have never had a skin check before or who have risk factors are recommended to see one of our skin cancer doctors.
If you have noticed changes, then our doctors can examine and explain more.
• Sunburns in the past, particularly at a young age and if severe such as causing blisters
• A relative who has had a melanoma, or other forms of skin cancer
• A fair skin that burns easily
• A past history of a skin cancer of any type
• Large number of moles
Skin cancers can appear even on areas of the body that are not exposed to the sun.
Your risk factors will be assessed and explained to you. Suspicious moles will be identified and explanation given.
A plan of action will be advised and a full explanation of what you require as a next step will be given.
Fees: Our skin cancer doctors here charge the normal consultation fee.
A skin check normally takes our standard 15-20 minute consult. If you have a high mole count then it may be a longer consult.
During a skin check we will normally ask you to undress down to your underwear. You will lie on the examination couch and the doctor will examine your skin using a dermatoscope.
Any lesions needing further detailed examination will be closely checked to see the patterns within the spot with a remarkable amount of detail.
Several studies have shown that doctors trained in the use of dermoscopy have a high degree of accuracy in detecting skin cancers. Any lesion which appears to be suspicious will be noted and explained to you.
Our doctors will discuss with you the need for a biopsy (where a small part of the lesion is sent for pathological examination) or excision (where the lesion is removed).
Some moles require only observation, which may involve the use of digital photography to monitor the mole.
We also have a reminder system for those patients that have skin types requiring regular checks e.g. annually, six monthly etc. We will notify you when it is time to return for your checkup.