Vaccines - a large range on site
Vaccinations here at our clinic
We have a full range of vaccines here at the clinic
Most patients appreciate being able to have their vaccines at the time of the appointment. We aim to deliver a timely service.
We are also a registered yellow fever vaccine clinic.
So feel assured that we will be able to provide the right vaccines……… with the right advice
- Whooping cough vaccine – highly recommended for new parents and their close adult relatives
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid (lasts only 3 years so is a regular requirement for travel)
- Hepatitis B
- Cholera
- Yellow Fever
- Influenza (yearly vaccination recommended)
- Rabies
- Chicken Pox
- Measles, mumps and rubella
- Tetanus and diphtheria
- Polio
- HPV (human papillomavirus)
- Shingles (free for over 65s)
- Covid vax
Your doctor here can discuss with you what vaccines are required according to your needs.
Please explain your requirements when booking.
A full range of childhood vaccines are available here onsite too.
If you’re taking medicines overseas, we recommend that you:
- discuss with your doctor the medication you’ll need to take
- carry clinic document stating what the medication is and the dosage
- Keep medication in its original packaging so it’s clearly labelled with your name and dosage instructions.
If you’re travelling with medication, make sure it’s legal in the countries you’re visiting.
Check the website:
Take enough medication to cover the length of your trip
If you need to purchase medication at your destination, be careful not to buy imitation or counterfeit medications and prescription drugs, and always check the strength of a medication with a doctor.
Be aware that packaging and labelling may be similar to those available in Australia, but the strength and active ingredients can vary from country to country.
Prescription glasses
If you wear glasses, take along a spare pair and/or a copy of the prescription so that they can be replaced more easily if lost or broken.
Additional health tips
If you’re currently taking prescription medication, continue to take it as directed by your doctor. Make up a small medical kit, including items such as headache tablets, antacids, antiseptic lotion, cotton wool, band aids, latex gloves, SPF 30+ sunscreen and an appropriate insect repellent e.g. RID. We also have a more extensive travel kit available for travel to remote areas.
Ready made up. Ready to go.
If you need to travel with large quantities of medication, it’s good practice to separate the quantity between your luggage in case bags go missing.
Keep all medication in the original, labelled container to avoid customs problems.
- Keep a supply of important medication with you in case your luggage goes missing
- Continue taking your prescribed medication.
- Factor the effects of jet lag into your itinerary.
If you’ve been scuba diving, don’t travel in an aircraft for at least 24 hours after your final dive.
- drink plenty of fluids (but avoid alcohol and caffeine)
- stretch your feet and lower legs while seated
- walk around the cabin at regular intervals
- wear Jobst travel compression socks (available at our clinic)
- Exercise within your limits — especially in hot climates.
- Include rest time in your travel itinerary to recover from any fatigue.
- Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunscreen for sightseeing.
- Wear a pair of thongs when showering.
- Always take spare medication when going on excursions.
- Practice safe sex as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmissible infections are widespread in many countries.
- only use bottled water to drink and brush your teeth and always check the seal
- don’t put ice in drinks — freezing preserves germs, rather than kills them
- avoid uncooked food, including salads and fruit that you cannot peel.
New diseases can appear and spread suddenly, as happened with the outbreak of the pandemic influenza (H1N1) in 2009. Check the latest travel advice for your destination before you depart and while travelling so you can ensure you have the latest information. Our doctors can provide this information at your travel consult.
Common illnesses that travellers can pick up include those which result from eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Water-borne, food-borne, parasitic and other infectious diseases (including cholera, hepatitis, tuberculosis, typhoid and rabies) are common with more serious outbreaks occurring from time to time. We encourage you to consider having vaccinations before travelling. In some destinations, we advise you to boil all drinking water or drink bottled water, avoid ice cubes and raw and undercooked food. Be aware of swimming in fresh water because of exposure to parasitic diseases such as schistosomiasis (bilharzia).
There are a number of mosquito-borne diseases that affect travellers visiting warm climates (including malaria, dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis).
Consider taking prophylaxis against malaria. Take measures to avoid insect bites, including using an insect repellent at all times, wearing long, loose fitting, light coloured clothing and ensuring your accommodation is mosquito proof. Apply RID roll on to arms, legs, face and other exposed skin.
Best Practice is to take your regular medications in their original packets. Also a printout from the clinic here will verify your list of medications.
Please remember that having additional meds such as antibiotics can be useful. And we hate to mention it ... but take a packet of gastrostop too !
If you’re travelling to Africa, South/Central America or the Caribbean you may be exposed to yellow fever. Yellow fever is a potentially fatal viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. You should check with the foreign missions of the countries you intend visiting for any vaccination entry or exit requirements and discuss vaccination for yellow fever with during your doctor consult.
Infection with seasonal influenza viruses is common. In temperate climates, most cases occur during the winter months. The influenza season in the Southern Hemisphere may begin in April and last through September and in the Northern Hemisphere may begin as early as October and can extend until May. In tropical and subtropical areas, infection with influenza virus may occur throughout the year.
According to the World Health Organisation, worldwide seasonal influenza epidemics result in about three to five million cases of severe illness, and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths. Most deaths associated with influenza in industrialized countries occur among people age 65 or older. In some tropical countries, influenza viruses circulate throughout the year with one or two peaks during rainy seasons.
Routine vaccinations
Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.
For Most Travellers
Get travel vaccines and medicines because there is a risk of these diseases in the country you are visiting.
Hepatitis A
CDC recommends this vaccine because you can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Indonesia, regardless of where you are eating or staying.
You can get typhoid through contaminated food or water in Indonesia. CDC recommends this vaccine for most travellers, especially if you are staying with friends or relatives, visiting smaller cities or rural areas, or if you are an adventurous eater.
Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing.
Hepatitis B
You can get hepatitis B through sexual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have sex with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.
Japanese Encephalitis
You may need this vaccine if your trip will last more than a month, depending on where you are going in Indonesia and what time of year you are traveling. You should also consider this vaccine if you plan to visit rural areas in Indonesia or will be spending a lot of time outdoors, even for trips shorter than a month. Your doctor can help you decide if this vaccine is right for you based on your travel plans.
When travelling in Indonesia, you should avoid mosquito bites to prevent malaria. You may need to take prescription medicine before, during, and after your trip to prevent malaria, depending on your travel plans, such as where you are going, when you are traveling, and if you are spending a lot of time outdoors or sleeping outside. Talk to your doctor about how you can prevent malaria while travelling.
Rabies can be found in dogs, bats, and other mammals in Indonesia, so CDC recommends this vaccine for the following groups:
a) Travellers involved in outdoor and other activities (such as camping, hiking, biking, adventure travel, and caving) that put them at risk for animal bites.
b) People who will be working with or around animals (such as veterinarians, wildlife professionals, and researchers).
c) People who are taking long trips or moving to Indonesia
d) Children, because they tend to play with animals, might not report bites, and are more likely to have animal bites on their head
More information on travelling with medication is available on the Department of Human Services websiteor by calling the Overseas Drug Diversion information line on 1800 500 147.
Acknowledgements and Sources:
We have a full range of vaccines here at the clinic.
Most patients appreciate being able to have their vaccines at the time of the appointment as we aim to deliver a timely service.
We are also a registered yellow fever vaccine clinic.
So feel assured that we will be able to provide the right vaccines……… with the right advice
- Whooping cough vaccine – highly recommended for new parents and their close adult relatives
- Hepatitis A
- Typhoid (lasts only 3 years so is a regular requirement for travel)
- Hepatitis B
- Cholera
- Yellow Fever
- Influenza (yearly vaccination recommended)
- Rabies
- Chicken Pox
- Measles, mumps and rubella
- Tetanus and diphtheria
- Polio
- HPV (human papillomavirus)
- Shingles (free for over 65s)
Your doctor here can discuss with you what vaccines are required according to your needs.
Please explain your requirements when booking.
A full range of childhood vaccines are available here onsite too.
Useful References:
Anyone can get influenza….
But not everyone can afford to spend days or weeks in bed. It may mean loss of income, not meeting deadlines, letting the side down.
The influenza vaccine is the best form of prevention
It can:
- Help your body to produce its own protection.
- Lessen the risk of secondary complications and hospitalization
The vaccine cannot give you the flu as it does not have any active virus.
The vaccine includes the latest strains to give immunity against the most likely and most severe types of virus.
There is a sad history of the impact of influenza
The most notable was when the illness from the 1918 flu pandemic, also known as the Spanish flu, came on quickly.
Some people felt fine in the morning but died by nightfall.
People who caught the Spanish Flu but did not die from it often died from complications caused by bacteria, such as pneumonia.
During the 1918 pandemic:
- Approximately 20% to 40% of the worldwide population became ill
- An estimated 50 million people died
Today we have scientists researching the current strains of influenza in our worldwide community.
The strains deemed to be the highest risk are then provided in the annual vaccine.
Things you might not know about the flu shot
- There is no live virus in the flu shot.
- The composition of the vaccine changes every year.
- The flu shot is safe for pregnant women at all stages of their pregnancy.
The flu vaccine is available here at competitive prices.
Book with one of our doctors or nurses for your vaccine
Suggested websites:
Four out of five people have at least one type of human papilloma virus (HPV) at some time in their lives. It is sometimes called the ‘common cold’ of sexual activity. HPV infects both men and women. The virus is spread through intimate contact with genital-skin during sexual activity, via tiny breaks in the skin.
Usually this happens without anyone ever knowing it or without it causing any problems.
- There is currently no treatment for HPV.
- In most cases the immune system clears HPV from the body naturally over time and has no long-lasting effects.
- Most people with HPV have no symptoms and will never know they have it.
Persistent HPV infection can cause abnormal cells to develop on the cervix, which may develop into cervical cancer, usually over many years, if they remain untreated.
Although cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer caused by HPV, persistent infection is also known to cause other cancers affecting men and women, including penile, anal, vulval, vaginal and mouth/throat cancers.
One HPV vaccine has been developed and it protects against the two high-risk HPV types (types 16 and 18), which cause 70% of cervical cancers in women and 90% of all HPV related cancers in men.
It also protects against two low-risk HPV types (types 6 and 11) which cause 90% of genital warts.
Australia’s Professor Ian Frazer and his team at the University of Queensland discovered how to make the vaccine particles, which form the basis of the HPV vaccine.
Over 97 million doses of HPV vaccine have been given safely, in over 120 countries around the world.
Some people in Australia may not have had the HPV vaccine program e.g. overseas students.
The usual program involves a three dose schedule, delivered at 0, 2 and 6 months, to provide the best protection against HPV.
Our clinic has the HPV vaccine here onsite. New patients are welcome to attend. You may wish to discuss your risk factors with one of our doctors.
You may also be able to claim the cost of your vaccine with your private health insurers (please check with your individual fund)
Our clinic is registered to give the yellow fever vaccine
On 15 December 2007 new requirements outlined by the World Health O came into force and clinics in Australia are now required to use the “International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis” and an Australian Government Approved stamp which includes a registration number unique to the clinic that administers the vaccination.
We will provide this certificate (known as “the yellow book”) at your vaccination appointment.
How can travellers protect against yellow fever?
Yellow fever is preventable. The vaccine is safe and almost 100 percent effective. With few exceptions, vaccination is recommended for all travellers to countries or areas where there is a risk of yellow fever transmission.
By avoiding mosquitoes
The mosquitoes that transmit yellow fever are usually active during the day. All people who travel to or live in yellow fever endemic countries are advised to avoid mosquitoes.
This can be done by taking the following measures:
- wear a mosquito repellent containing DEET or Picaridin
- wear light coloured, long-sleeved clothes when you’re outdoors
- avoid wearing perfume or cologne (some of these can attract mosquitoes)
- prevent mosquitoes entering your accommodation
- use a mosquito net at night-time (if mosquitoes are likely to be present)
Do I need a yellow fever vaccination?
It is strongly recommended that all travellers be vaccinated for yellow fever if travelling to or from a yellow fever declared country.
People who are one year of age or older must hold an international vaccination certificate if, within six days before arriving in Australia, they have stayed overnight or longer in a yellow fever declared country.
As part of your travel arrangements it is strongly recommended that you check the yellow fever entry requirements for all the countries you intend entering, including those in which you will transit by contacting their foreign missions in Australia.
The quarantine requirements for yellow fever vaccination differ markedly from country to country depending upon their relative risk exposure to the disease.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) web site lists contact details for diplomatic representatives of various foreign governments.
DFAT’s Smartraveller web site also provides detailed travel information for each country.
If you have travelled through a yellow fever declared country, and you do not have a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate, you risk being refused entry into many countries or may be required to be vaccinated upon arrival.
If you are arriving in Australia from a yellow fever declared country but do not hold a vaccination certificate you will still be permitted to enter Australia without one.
Who can have a yellow fever vaccination?
The yellow fever vaccine is recommended for:
- persons who are nine months of age or older travelling or living in any country in West Africa, regardless of where they will be in that country; and
- persons who are nine months of age or older travelling or living outside the urban areas of all other yellow fever endemic countries.
Suggested Websites: